Food & Health

Yumi has taken great care in choosing the books in this health and food section. All of them are well written and researched and are highly recommended.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Raw Food - The Secret To Inner And Outer Beauty - Japanese

Raw Food - The Secret To Inner And Outer Beauty - Japanese

What is Raw Food? This book is for beginners wanting to learn about raw food to long time practioners, explaining in detail the theory, effects...


Raw Food for Busy People - Japanese

Raw Food for Busy People - Japanese

Enjoy and prepare simple raw foods, the healthiest foods nature has to offer, while living a busy lifestyle! This book is perfect for raw food...


Free from the Spell of Cancer - Japanese

Free from the Spell of Cancer - Japanese

The author who, a year before the book was written, was diagnosed with 3b level cancer in his breast. He refused conventional medical treatments and...


Harmonics Life : Recommendations For Natural Living - Japanese

Harmonics Life : Recommendations For Natural Living - Japanese

This book covers all aspects of Yumi and Gen's self-sufficient lifestyle and their natural healing method, which is very simple but very...


Enjoyable, Beneficial, Ethical and Fun Living - Japanese

Enjoyable, Beneficial, Ethical and Fun Living - Japanese

Ms. Yuko Makino, a professional beautician, runs beauty parlor in Kyoto where she only uses natural products for hair and skin care. You too can live...


Atopic Eczema - A Message From Nature - Japanese

Atopic Eczema - A Message From Nature - Japanese

The author, Mr. Akamine believes that atopic excema is not a disease but is caused by the many unnatural chemicals in the food we eat. He has cured...

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Circulation Farming - Japanese

Circulation Farming - Japanese

This wonderful and comprehensive guidebook explains Mr. Katsuto Akamine's organic "Junkan (circulation)" farming method. His method is...


Is Meat Dangerous? - Japanese

Is Meat Dangerous? - Japanese

The Chinese character 'Kusaru' (which means to go rotten) is made of two parts: the top section means body, the bottom section means meat....


Is Milk Poison? - Japanese

Is Milk Poison? - Japanese

No one doubts that milk contains a lot of calcium and makes your bones and teeth strong. But Japanese, unlike Westerners, lack the enzymes needed to...


Is White Sugar A Drug? - Japanese

Is White Sugar A Drug? - Japanese

Processed food such as juice and commercial snacks contain a lot of sugar. Sugar leeches calcium and Vitamin B from your body, causing caries,...


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