
We have an excellent collection of books on peace related themes, including anti-war books and books on Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution...

Product Image Item Name- Price
A Guide To War - Japanese

A Guide To War - Japanese

This small booklet is a concise digest of director Jin Takaiwa's film "Wars Untaught". With numerous resources and on-the-spot...

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That moment, a baby was in my hands. Everyone listen, this is the Army! - Japanese

That moment, a baby was in my hands. Everyone listen, this is the Army! - Japanese

After suffering for many years from postwar syndrome after fighting in the Vietnam war, Alan Nelson finally found salvation by accepting his own...


What is the source of your courage? - Japanese

What is the source of your courage? - Japanese

When the US Congress passed a bill giving the President carte blanche against terrorism right after the 911 incident, every Congress member voted for...


Addicted To War - Japanese

Addicted To War - Japanese

This is the Japanese version of the English book 'Addicted to War'. Joel Andreas reveals in this hard-hitting and carefully documented book...


Addicted To War - 10 Book Set - Japanese

Addicted To War - 10 Book Set - Japanese

Purchase 10 copies of Addicted To War and get the reduced GPC Set price of 10,000 Yen. Joel Andreas reveals in this hard-hitting and carefully...


Addicted To War - English

Addicted To War - English

Joel Andreas reveals in this hard-hitting and carefully documented book why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other...


Addicted To War - Korean

Addicted To War - Korean

This Korean version is not available from our store but we are including in our store as a reference for our Korean speaking readers. Please go to...


Addicted To War - Spanish

Addicted To War - Spanish

Joel Andreas reveals in this hard-hitting and carefully documented book why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other...


Who Is The Terrorist? Guidebook - Japanese

Who Is The Terrorist? Guidebook - Japanese

This guidebook is a transcript, in Japanese, of the Who is the Terrorist movie. (The English title of the movie is What I've learnt about US...

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Who Is The Terrorist? DVD with Guidebook - Japanese

Who Is The Terrorist? DVD with Guidebook - Japanese

Purchase of the Who Is The Terrorist DVD and the Who Is The Terrorist Guidebook at the same time entitles you to a discount price of 3,700 yen. This...

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