The Terror and War Swindlers - Japanese


The Terror and War Swindlers -Why does the world ignore these clear and disgusting facts?

By Yumi Kikuchi and Akira Doujimaru

A great fraud has been dominating the world, fooling us, robbing us and killing us. Various lies have been created and are ongoing in their negative effects, including the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the supposed 'terrorist attacks' in Bali, Madrid, London and many other cities.

These horrible events that brought about the so-called 'war on terror' were all conducted by a group of 'terror and war swindlers' as an insidious strategy to redistribute national resources from the bottom to the top of the class pyramid in the US, and at the same time, steal an enormous amount of amount of money from the purses of the Japanese people.

Though most of the wars in our modern history have been 'engineered for the benefit of the rich, September, 11 of 2001, was a day unprecedented in the history of the world, as it was the start of the most lamentable deception,not only for Americans butfor all the people of the world.

This book by Yumi Kikuchi and Akira Doujimaru clearly shows the origin of these crimes, and then gives positive solutions to solve this crisis that has brought darkness and fear to our world.

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  • Manufactured by: Tokuma Shoten

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 08 October, 2009.

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