911 Eyewitness - Hoboken TV DVD - Japanese


Richard Siegel's original footage of 9.11.2001 captured all three WTC buildings collapsing and a lot more. High quality 3 chip digital video provides a reverse viewpoint to broadcast television from across the river in Hoboken.

The digital audio soundtrack captured 1010 WINS local news radio live and the sounds of massive explosions before the historic collapse of three steel frame buildings.

Science analysis and additional evidence are presented in an easy to understand manner, conclusively proving controlled demolition at the WTC on 9.11.2001 during US Wargame Exercise week.

Newton's three laws of motion are featured, along with the Law of Gravity, Conservation of Energy, Projectile Motion and Increasing Entropy.

Official reports by NIST and FEMA are exposed as cover-ups of the truth. Mainstream media reports and a NOVA documentary are examined to reveal the fraud and deception designed to fool the public.

Believe your own eyes and ears
Reach your own conclusion
Develop you own opinion
Act upon your conscience

Blue Star Media Group
All Rights Reserved

Below is a 3 minute - 3.6 MB excerpt from the DVD. Click on the image to begin playing the movie.

If you cannot see the movie above, Quicktime is not installed on your computer. To get the free version of Quicktime click here.

The running time of the full movie is approximately one hour.

The English version of this movie is currently only available on the 911 Eyewitness homepage and store. Click here to go to the 911 Eyewitness store.

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  • Manufactured by: Blue Star Media

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 27 September, 2006.

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